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“Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room."

Jeff Bezos

We couldn't agree more with this description of what a brand ultimately is from the founder of globally recognised brand, Amazon. The only difference between his definition and ours, is that we make sure that we are in the room to hear what people say.

Where else would onions and pyramids sit so comfortably together?

Successful branding is so much more than creating a model (most commonly either brand onions or pyramids because of the many layers that goes into creating a brand). It is ultimately about having a detailed understanding of many factors that make up your proposition.


A brand is a promise to your customer about what you stand for, what you believe, what you live for and ultimately, what you would die for. It is meant to define you and represent you. Without it, your customers would not know you. 

A logo is not a brand!

A logo is a representation of what a brand stands for but on its own, is not a brand. A brand has meaning and whilst some cleverly designed logos can bring meaning, it is not always the case. That said, brands and logos do go hand in hand and whilst we can help you with understanding your brand identity, equity or perceptions we need to pass on the creative design of a logo. If a logo is what you need however, we do work with a number of excellent graphic designers who understand the importance of bringing meaning to a logo and would be more than happy to pass on their details.

There are so many facets of understanding and creating a brand, almost too many to go into here so if you would like to know more about our branding work, please get in touch. 

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Either way you look at it, pod makes sense.

It's true - look! 

pod flipped 180°

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