Henry Ford is right. Had he asked his consumer what they wanted in such blunt terms, he would have got the answer he suggests. Research with consumers, when done properly, is an important part of making sure your business is delivering to your consumers what they need, and not just listening to what they want.

“If I asked my consumer what they wanted, they would have told me a bigger, stronger, faster horse."
Henry Ford
There are many ways to skin a they say!
We don't believe there is a need to skin a cat but we completely agree with the sentiment of the saying. It is no different in research. There are many ways business and research objectives can be answered with a number of different methodological approaches.
For this reason, we think it is best not to have an off the shelf, cookie cutter approach to answering your needs. We do however believe that there are some best practice approaches for answering some typical business and research objectives, so take a look at the range of research methodologies and techniques we commonly use.
We employ a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and techniques to effectively answer your business and research objectives.
(Click on an icon below to find out more)

Focus groups

Sensory testing (CLT / iHUT)

In depth interviews

Online communities

Online surveys

